About Us – Hog Roast Stockport

Hog Roast StockportAs an event caterer that has operated for several decades in the industry we have seen time enough that the best thing that can be brought to the catered experience for customers is the personal relationship with their caterer. We are both in this thing together trying to craft the best event experience possible, and so we have to communicate well and be able to understand and trust each other. That is why at Hog Roast Stockport we like to operate a little more like a family. We are a local business after all that started from the ground up in this country, and so event though we have been fortunate enough to expand into many franchises all over we always like to retain that personal, local feel.

When working with our team we are inviting you into our little family here at Hog Roast Stockport, giving you the very best of ourselves, but of course you can get a leg up before we even meet by learning just a tad more about us right here!

The Hog Roast Stockport Experience

Hog Roast StockportAt Hog Roast Stockport we offer our customers that “something more” that event catering needs. Our hog roast is a unique and stylish dish that always gives guests something to talk about and remember – and that is just when they see it being made! Once they’ve taken their first and last bites of our delicious fresh pork roast they’ll never want a roast to be done any other way again!

“But how is a hog roast any different from any other roast”, you might be asking? An understandable query, but trust us a caterer that has looked to this cooking method and this dish for well over several decades now, it is absolutely the best way to enjoy a roast – especially for events! The hog roast, or the spit roast as it might otherwise be labelled, is a term that describes both the cooking style and the dish itself. Hog roasting, traditionally, is the act of cooking a whole pig on a spit over a fire pit. The spit turns continually for hours and hours, allowing the entirety of the pig skin to get nice and flame licked for that nice crisp texturing while the turning action of the spit also keeps the meat’s inner juices circulating all throughout the pork and cooking nice and evenly. This ensures your inner meat doesn’t end up dry and flavourless as many often think of meat roasts. Instead our spit roasted meat is intensely flavoursome, very juicy, and terrifically tender for an excellent balance with the crispness of the roasted skin.

The Modern Hog Roast

Hog Roast StockportJust as much as the incredible results that it produces, the hog roast is excellent in its spectacle as a display of culinary brilliance too! We came to the hog roast as a dish for events precisely because we found that it had that extra touch of specialness in both its look and its tastes. You may well have seen the classic image of the traditional hog roast with the pig on a stick over a fire pit on tv. This is the traditional version of the hog roast, but unfortunately with modern events such a spectacle isn’t often quite feasible. We can’t go digging up holes everywhere we go, after all, but thankfully with the ingenious design of our very own mobile hog roasting machines we don’t have to!

Early on in our history our founders were unhappy with the hog roasting solutions available on the market. We wanted to achieve an efficient way to produce authentic hog roasts that had the quality of the proper roast without the difficult setup. Such a solution also had to be able to fit the high demand of catering too. Rather than relying on the substandard existing choices we instead took old machines and rebuilt our own mobile hog roasting machine instead. This soon became the Titan machine which we still use a version of today!

With these machines we can cook a hog roast in the authentic style anywhere at any time. They allow us to easily set up and cook both indoors and out, and they even allow us to serve straight from pig to plate too for added fresh quality and novelty! You won’t find anything else quite like it on the market, and nor will you find a caterer quite like Hog Roast Stockport either!

Professional Caterers. Passionate Food Lovers.

Hog Roast StockportThe Hog Roast Stockport family is a collection of folk from all walks of life, but all with a shared bond and passion for great food and great service. Catering is a difficult job but we all come to it excited each and every day because we love to produce high quality dining experiences for the important occasions in our customer’s life.

We hold high demands right throughout or various departments because each one of us just always wants to give the customer the very best experience possible. Our chefs are highly skilled and set the bar with their demand for high quality meats and the best ingredients to work with, and our service team have to do their foods justice by serving them in sublime style too. Our sourcing team have to meet our chef’s demands by sourcing only the best local meats from trusted, high-end stocks, and our planning teams have to curate excellent menus for our customers with the service style. It is all about pulling in the same direction and using our beloved passion for food and service to continually drive us on here at Hog Roast Stockport!